PlayItForward: In the Sky

On May 19, we gathered at Ascend Steak & Sushi to celebrate mentorship, connection and community! Tod Leiweke, CEO and Co-Owner of the Seattle Kraken, spoke passionately about the transformative power of long term human connection. We honored our Corporate PlayMaker, Ascend Hospitality Group, for consistently showing up for and uplifting our local community.

And (drumroll, please!) we raised $150,000, enough funding to cross every name off our wait list as we head into summer. This means another group of 5th graders, all eager for the dedicated support of a Rainier Athletes mentor, will be registered for summer camps, matched and ready to begin meeting weekly with their very own mentor, and continue walking hand in hand with the Rainier Athletes village (that means you) all the way through their high school graduation... and beyond!

We are overflowing with gratitude for our community of supporters who share a common belief that every young person deserves access to a mentor, a caring community and opportunities that enable them to thrive!


Meet George!


PlayItForward: Unity of Community