Rainier Athletes Mentor Reference Form
Thank you for providing a reference for a Rainier Athletes Mentor applicant! Your time is greatly appreciated in completing the below reference form.
We have a thorough application process and rely on references, background checks, and an interview to determine a mentor’s eligibility.
The content of your reference will remain confidential and offers us helpful insight into the screening and matching process. Please complete the reference as honestly and accurately as possible.
Here is some information about our program for you to keep in mind while completing your reference:
Rainier Athletes mentors commit to mentoring for a minimum of 1 year unless there are extenuating circumstances
The mentor is expected to consistently attend weekly check-ins and align their mentee’s core supporters – teachers, coaches, and families
Mentors and mentees work in group settings and one-on-one both at school and throughout the community
If you have any questions or would like to complete this reference over email or the phone, please contact Kaylia Balinbin (email: Kaylia@rainierathletes.org)