• No way! RA students are ready to connect with mentors about more than sports - they are also artists, activists, engineers, and more.

  • We ask that mentors be juniors in high school or older. There is no upper limit!

  • Mentor/student pairs meet in person, but there is flexibility for virtual check-ins because of illness or travel.

  • Mentors typically spend 1 hour per week between meeting with the student, and communicating with their parents, teachers, etc. We ask mentors to commit for at least one full school year.

  • Mentors rave about the extra time they spend attending activities like sports games and milestones like birthday parties, graduations, and quinceañeras. The level of involvement outside of check-ins is up to you.

  • RA’s volunteer mentors come in all ages and from all walks of life, from high school juniors, to CEOs, to retirees. You don’t need experience working with kids or any specialized knowledge. We provide all the training and support necessary to be an effective mentor.

  • RA mentors meet with their mentees every week, year round, including school breaks and the summer. During summer check-ins, mentor/mentee pairs meet outside of school for activities like getting boba, going for a walk, or visiting the mentor’s job. RA also hosts group meetups for all mentors and mentees during the summer.